Three DIY Brand Design Tips for Brands We hope this helps some brands that are currently DIY-ing their look. Of course, we are always here to help, answer questions or work with you when you are ready to take the next step in your branding journey and hire an agency to design your brand for […]

Brand Identity Design, Branding, Branding Tips, Logo Design

May 30, 2024

Three DIY Branding Tips

DIY Branding tips image of foot with a disco ball

Brand Identity Design Project for Torched Bubbles We are wrapping up the brand identity design portion of our project with Torched Bubbles! We can’t wait to get started on the website design portion soon! This is a start up brand that offers a luxury gifting experience. Torched Bubbles is a modern, high end gift concierge […]

Brand Identity Desgn, Branding, Branding Tips, Business Tips, Logo Design

June 21, 2023

Brand Identity Design for a Luxury Gifting Brand

brand identity design

Today we wanted to talk about the importance of a brand style board. Sometimes clients wonder what they are for and what purpose they serve 🙂 A brand style board is a visual representation of your brand’s personality, values, and aesthetic. It includes thing like your logo, color palette, typography, and imagery. Having a brand […]

Branding, Branding Tips, Logo Design

May 4, 2023

The Importance of a Mood Board in Branding

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